Thursday, December 10, 2009

English Not Spoken Here

The discussion of making English the national language of the United States can cause many to think of discrimination. After all, America is a melting-pot of many nations. However, I agree with Benjamin Huggins’ blog National Dispute where he articulates the dumbing down of education to enable immigrants to stay inside their comfort zone can adversely affect American English speakers. This may be the land of opportunity; however, to succeed in any country, whether it's Germany, France, Spain, or the United States of America, it is important to learn the language spoken in that country. This is evident when you travel overseas, you must attempt to speak the local language to get around. This fact seems to be lost on some of those immigrating to this country, whether legally or illegally. This same lack of desire to learn English can be a factor in promoting segregation by pooling those that cannot speak English into a geographic area of a city which in turn furthers segregation by not promoting the assimilation into the American culture. This vicious cycle of inequality will continue as long as America placates other cultures by changing our culture to accommodate the inability to speak English. This doesn't mean those that immigrate to this country need to leave their culture at the footstep of America, rather they should embrace American ideals along with their own and blend them, after all, isn't the American dream one of the reasons they chose to come to America?

1 comment:

Jill said...

I absolutely agree! It makes me so mad when I see that some politicians are against making English the national language, in my opinion there is no reason not to. When my grandparents came to America (from Italy and Belgium) they learned English right away. It was by no means easy for them and they are still more comfortable speaking in Italian or French, but they never expected an Italian/French channel on TV, or things in the supermarket to be printed in Italian/French, or billboards on the road in Italian/French. It makes me angry that some immigrants are coming into this country and not even attempting to learn the language. By not making English the official language, we are allowing them to keep living here and not learn English. We are giving them everything they need in their language. It has gotten to be more than a convenience, it is really ridiculous.
And it is really true what you’re saying, in other countries you need to learn their language to function. Yes, they’ll help you out if you’re struggling to understand or speak a word, but they won’t completely transform their country into a two-language country because you can’t bother to learn their language. I am not opposed to helping a struggling non-English speaker out, I am opposed of catering to them and making it so they don’t even have to learn the language.